полное обсуждение здесь - http://forum.ragezone.com/f439/guide-setti...en-shen-404357/
Кто что скажет про эту игрульку?
Its pretty simple to set up here is a little guide with downloads on how to set the game up.
You will need the following :
Navicat :
Navicat is used for restoring the databases it has a simple interface and is easy to use
Mysql 5.0 :
The version of mysql doesnt really matter it works fine on this
Zend :
Zend is a webserver like apache i like zend because i always use it its pretty easy to use it will let you host your website.
Pak tool :
Used to unpack the game client and add/translate files
Database (create.sql) :
The zen fen shen database needed to access the game and accounts
Zen Fen Shen Client :
Uploading it to filefront Mirrors later maybe
Server Files For Zen Fen Shen :
Of course needed lol
If anyproblems with the regular server files download my server files its a lil sloppy but yah..all set up XD http://www.mediafire.com/?1xlynwxnxdm
Zen Fen Website :
Used to create accounts.
Starting Server up :
Mysql :
First you will need to install mysql its your choice to do complete or typical installation it doesnt matter. keep clicking next till you get to manual connections change that to a high number if your expecting alot of trafic on game. Then continue hitting next till you get to the end where they ask to put a master password uncheck the box then click next and execute. After that you should have installed mysql correctly.
Navicat :
All you have to do is install navicat its pretty simple once done open navicat then click the connection button (its the button on the top left side looks like a gray box with a green mark). You will see Connection name you can add anything to it the name doesnt matter. hostname/ip address dont touch anything else other then connection name click test connection to see if it works if it did then click ok at bottom. Now you will need to query the database its simple all you must do is double click the connection you just made in the long white box. Then right click it and click execute batch file you will see another box open up click the browser button |...| find create.sql then click ok it should query the sqls and now you have all the games databases inside your navicat.
The 3 databases :
Installing Zend :
All you must do is go through the installing process you have a choice of which port you wanna use for the website to show default is 80. Once installed use your lan ip ( http://whatismyip.com/ ) to view your site. Site goes inside htdocs folder (you can delete the stuff that is already in htdocs) inside zends folder in program files.

Кто что скажет про эту игрульку?
Its pretty simple to set up here is a little guide with downloads on how to set the game up.
You will need the following :
Navicat :
Navicat is used for restoring the databases it has a simple interface and is easy to use
Mysql 5.0 :
The version of mysql doesnt really matter it works fine on this
Zend :
Zend is a webserver like apache i like zend because i always use it its pretty easy to use it will let you host your website.
Pak tool :
Used to unpack the game client and add/translate files
Database (create.sql) :
The zen fen shen database needed to access the game and accounts
Zen Fen Shen Client :
Uploading it to filefront Mirrors later maybe
Server Files For Zen Fen Shen :
Of course needed lol
If anyproblems with the regular server files download my server files its a lil sloppy but yah..all set up XD http://www.mediafire.com/?1xlynwxnxdm
Zen Fen Website :
Used to create accounts.
Starting Server up :
Mysql :
First you will need to install mysql its your choice to do complete or typical installation it doesnt matter. keep clicking next till you get to manual connections change that to a high number if your expecting alot of trafic on game. Then continue hitting next till you get to the end where they ask to put a master password uncheck the box then click next and execute. After that you should have installed mysql correctly.
Navicat :
All you have to do is install navicat its pretty simple once done open navicat then click the connection button (its the button on the top left side looks like a gray box with a green mark). You will see Connection name you can add anything to it the name doesnt matter. hostname/ip address dont touch anything else other then connection name click test connection to see if it works if it did then click ok at bottom. Now you will need to query the database its simple all you must do is double click the connection you just made in the long white box. Then right click it and click execute batch file you will see another box open up click the browser button |...| find create.sql then click ok it should query the sqls and now you have all the games databases inside your navicat.
The 3 databases :
Installing Zend :
All you must do is go through the installing process you have a choice of which port you wanna use for the website to show default is 80. Once installed use your lan ip ( http://whatismyip.com/ ) to view your site. Site goes inside htdocs folder (you can delete the stuff that is already in htdocs) inside zends folder in program files.