Thief Master – Facebook RPG App
Thief Master is a complete Facebook RPG Game App. This app is based on our latest AJAX RPG Script which is really smooth, fast and enjoyable….
Thief Master is a RPG type game where players act as thieves and completes crime, fight with rival thieves for earning cash and exp. Players can buy/sell exclusive weapons, vehicles and grab special loots, much more. Players can also buy industries for recurring income. It has a gift section where users can send game items as gifts, which is a great feature to attract more new players and help the game grow fast.
Features included…
5 levels of crimes (and more can be added)
Players can buy/sell weapons, vehicles and industries
Most crimes drop special loot items which cannot be bought (Encourages players to complete more crimes)
Collection items drop after reaching crime’s mastery level
Collection items can be vault to grab special gift items
Players can send gifts to friends and other players
Bank for saving cash in safe + Daily interest
Hospital to heal players health
HitList section
Special items section for buying bonus items using special points (earned using Super Rewards/OfferPal Media)
Friend Recruit and gang building system to engage more users
Friend invite, status update and streams included to engage more users
Profile status update from the app
Latest Facebook Stream Publish feature included
Admin Panel
The game has an admin section for adding/managing new items such as weapon, vehicles, items etc. You can also add new crimes and edit existing crimes from the admin panel. Its really easy to add or modify any items or missions so even if you don’t know programming or coding, you can easily manage the game from admin panel.
This app is monetized with CPM/CPC ads and you can easily integrate any ads that you like to. Even if you want to insert your affiliate banner links or text links, its very easy to add by modifying 1-2 files. This app also has Super Rewards/Offerpal media added so you get double revenue stream from this app. Super Rewards or Offerpal media offers pay from $0.50 – $7-$8 per completion. Players can buy energy or strength refill, extra game cash and special items using special points in the game and these points will be coming from Super Rewards/Offerpal media offers, so this will really make you some cash easily.
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