В /includes/pages/class.ShowBuildingsPage.php
<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Скрытая информация: это <input type="button" value="Показать" style="width:60px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;" onClick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Скрыть'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Показать'; }">
<div class="alt2" style="margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;">
<div style="display: none;">
Меняем на:
<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Скрытая информация: перевод <input type="button" value="Показать" style="width:60px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;" onClick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Скрыть'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Показать'; }">
<div class="alt2" style="margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;">
<div style="display: none;">
в /styles/images/ Сохраняем

Что получается:

<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Скрытая информация: это <input type="button" value="Показать" style="width:60px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;" onClick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Скрыть'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Показать'; }">
<div class="alt2" style="margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;">
<div style="display: none;">
private function ShowBuildingQueue ( $CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser )
global $lang;
$CurrentQueue = $CurrentPlanet['b_building_id'];
$QueueID = 0;
if ($CurrentQueue != 0)
$QueueArray = explode ( ";", $CurrentQueue );
$ActualCount = count ( $QueueArray );
$QueueArray = "0";
$ActualCount = 0;
$ListIDRow = "";
if ($ActualCount != 0)
$PlanetID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
for ($QueueID = 0; $QueueID < $ActualCount; $QueueID++)
$BuildArray = explode (",", $QueueArray[$QueueID]);
$BuildEndTime = floor($BuildArray[3]);
$CurrentTime = floor(time());
if ($BuildEndTime >= $CurrentTime)
$ListID = $QueueID + 1;
$Element = $BuildArray[0];
$BuildLevel = $BuildArray[1];
$BuildMode = $BuildArray[4];
$BuildTime = $BuildEndTime - time();
$ElementTitle = $lang['tech'][$Element];
if ($ListID > 0)
$ListIDRow .= "<tr>";
if ($BuildMode == 'build')
$ListIDRow .= " <td class=\"l\" colspan=\"2\">". $ListID .".: ". $ElementTitle ." ". $BuildLevel ."</td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td class=\"l\" colspan=\"2\">". $ListID .".: ". $ElementTitle ." ". $BuildLevel . " " . $lang['bd_dismantle']."</td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td class=\"k\">";
if ($ListID == 1)
$ListIDRow .= " <div id=\"blc\" class=\"z\">". $BuildTime ."
$ListIDRow .= " <a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&listid=". $ListID ."&cmd=cancel&planet=". $PlanetID ."\">".$lang['bd_interrupt']."</a></div>";
$ListIDRow .= " <script language=\"javascript\">";
$ListIDRow .= " pp = \"". $BuildTime ."\";\n";
$ListIDRow .= " pk = \"". $ListID ."\";\n";
$ListIDRow .= " pm = \"cancel\";\n";
$ListIDRow .= " pl = \"". $PlanetID ."\";\n";
$ListIDRow .= " t();\n";
$ListIDRow .= " </script>";
$ListIDRow .= " <strong color=\"lime\">
<font color=\"lime\">". date("j/m H:i:s" ,$BuildEndTime) ."</font>[/b]";
$ListIDRow .= " <font color=\"red\">";
$ListIDRow .= " <a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&listid=". $ListID ."&cmd=remove&planet=". $PlanetID ."\">".$lang['bd_cancel']."</a></font>";
$ListIDRow .= " </td>";
$ListIDRow .= "</tr>";
$RetValue['lenght'] = $ActualCount;
$RetValue['buildlist'] = $ListIDRow;
return $RetValue;
Меняем на:
<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Скрытая информация: перевод <input type="button" value="Показать" style="width:60px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;" onClick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Скрыть'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Показать'; }">
<div class="alt2" style="margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset;">
<div style="display: none;">
private function ShowBuildingQueue ( $CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser )
global $lang, $dpath, $reslist, $resource;
$BuildingNow = array();
$CurrentQueue = $CurrentPlanet['b_building_id'];
$QueueID = 0;
if ($CurrentQueue != 0) {
$QueueArray = explode ( ";", $CurrentQueue );
$ActualCount = count ( $QueueArray );
} else {
$QueueArray = "0";
$ActualCount = 0;
$ListIDRow = "";
if ($ActualCount != 0)
$ListIDRow .= "<tr><td class='c' colspan='3'><center><font color='yellow'>.:: Строительство ::.</font>
Очередь постройки <font color='#00FF00'>".$ActualCount."</font> / <font color='#FF0000'>". MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE ."</font> Ещё ". ( MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE - $ActualCount) ." постройки можно поставить в очередь.</center></td></tr>";
$PlanetID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
$totalBuildTime = 0;
$totalBuildEndTime = time();
if((MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE - $ActualCount) > 0){
$CanBuild = true;
$Canbuild = false;
foreach($reslist['build'] as $Element){
$BuildingNow[$Element] = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
for ($QueueID = 0; $QueueID < $ActualCount; $QueueID++)
$BuildArray = explode (",", $QueueArray[$QueueID]);
$BuildEndTime = floor($BuildArray[3]);
$CurrentTime = floor(time());
if ($BuildEndTime >= $CurrentTime)
$ListID = $QueueID + 1;
$Element = $BuildArray[0];
$BuildingNow[$Element] = $BuildArray[1];
$BuildLevel = $BuildArray[1];
$BuildMode = $BuildArray[4];
$BuildTime = $BuildEndTime - time();
$totalBuildTime = $BuildTime;
$totalBuildEndTime = $BuildEndTime;
$ElementTitle = $lang['tech'][$Element];
if (IsElementBuyable ($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false) and IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element) and $CanBuild and $CurrentPlanet["field_current"] < ( CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet) - $ActualCount )) {
$CanBuild = true;
} else {
$CanBuild = false;
if ($BuildMode == 'build') {
$modo_rep = 'insert';
$multi = 1;
} else {
$modo_rep = 'destroy';
$multi = 2;
if ($CanBuild) {
$levelmore = "<input type='button' onclick=\"top.location = 'game.php?page=buildings&cmd=$modo_rep&building=". $Element ."';\" value='Повтор' />";
} else {
$levelmore = '';
if ($ListID > 0)
$ListIDRow .= "<tr>";
if ($ListID == 1) {
$ListIDRow .= "<th colspan=\"3\">";
$ListIDRow .= " <table width=\"100%\">";
$ListIDRow .= " <tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td width='80' rowspan='2'><a href='game.php?page=infos&gid=".$Element."'><img border='0' src='".$dpath."gebaeude/".$Element.".gif' align='top' title='". $ElementTitle ."' width='80' height='80'></a></td>";
if ($BuildMode == 'build')
$ListIDRow .= " <td><center>";
$ListIDRow .= " <table>";
$ListIDRow .= " <tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td width='24'><img border='0' src='./styles/images/enproceso.gif' align='top' width='24' height='24'></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td><center><font color =\"#6699FF\"><a href='game.php?page=infos&gid=".$Element."'><font color =\"#6699FF\">.::. ". $ElementTitle ." .::.</font></a>
Строим <font color=\"#FF8C00\">[b]Уровень ". $BuildLevel ."[/b]</font></font></center></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td width='24'><img border='0' src='./styles/images/enproceso.gif' align='top' width='24' height='24'></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " </tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " <tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td colspan='3'><center>". $levelmore . "</center></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " </tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " </table>";
$ListIDRow .= " </center></td>";
} else {
$ListIDRow .= " <td><center>";
$ListIDRow .= " <table>";
$ListIDRow .= " <tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td width='24'><img border='0' src='./styles/images/enproceso.gif' align='top' width='24' height='24'></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td><center><font color =\"#6699FF\"><a href='game.php?page=infos&gid=".$Element."'><font color =\"#6699FF\">.::. ". $ElementTitle ." .::.</font></a>
<font color=\"#87CEEB\"><blink>". $lang['bd_dismantle'] ."</blink></font> en <font color=\"#FF8C00\">[b]Nivel ". $BuildLevel ."[/b]</font></font></center></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td width='24'><img border='0' src='./styles/images/enproceso.gif' align='top' width='24' height='24'></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " </tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " </table>";
$ListIDRow .= " </center></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td width=\"56\" rowspan='2'><center>";
$ListIDRow .= " <div id=\"blc\" class=\"z\">". $BuildTime ."
<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&listid=". $ListID ."&cmd=cancel&planet=". $PlanetID ."\">".$lang['bd_interrupt']."</a></div>";
$ListIDRow .= " <script language=\"javascript\">";
$ListIDRow .= " pp = \"". $BuildTime ."\";\n";
$ListIDRow .= " pk = \"". $ListID ."\";\n";
$ListIDRow .= " pm = \"cancel\";\n";
$ListIDRow .= " pl = \"". $PlanetID ."\";\n";
$ListIDRow .= " t();\n";
$ListIDRow .= " </script>";
$ListIDRow .= " <strong color=\"lime\">
<font color=\"lime\">". date("j/m H:i:s" ,$BuildEndTime) ."</font>[/b]</center>";
$ListIDRow .= " </td>";
$ListIDRow .= " </tr>";
$totaltime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element) / $multi;
if($totaltime == 0) {
} else {
$barpercent = round(( ($totaltime - $BuildTime) / $totaltime * 100), 2);
$BarScript .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
$BarScript .= "<!--\n";
$BarScript .= " function barupdate() {\n";
$BarScript .= " var barra = document.getElementById('prodBar');\n";
$BarScript .= " var timeout = 1;\n";
$BarScript .= " ss2 = pp2;\n";
$BarScript .= " if ( ss2 <= 0 ) {\n";
$BarScript .= " barra.innerHTML = '<font color=\"#000\">100%</font>'; barra.style.width = 364;\n";
$BarScript .= " } else {\n";
$BarScript .= " if ( ss2 <= 0 ) {\n";
$BarScript .= " if (1) {\n";
$BarScript .= " barra.innerHTML = '<font color=\"#000\">100%</font>'; barra.style.width = 364;\n";
$BarScript .= " } else {\n";
$BarScript .= " timeout = 0;\n";
$BarScript .= " barra.innerHTML = '<font color=\"#000\">100%</font>'; barra.style.width = 364;\n";
$BarScript .= " }\n";
$BarScript .= " } else {\n";
$BarScript .= " var percent = Math.round(((".$totaltime." - pp2) / ".$totaltime.") * 10000) / 100; var width = Math.round( percent * 3.64 );\n";
$BarScript .= " barra.innerHTML = '<font color=\"#000\">[b]' + percent + '%[/b]</font>'; barra.style.width = width;\n";
$BarScript .= " }\n";
$BarScript .= " pp2 = pp2 - 0.5;\n";
$BarScript .= " if (timeout == 1) {\n";
$BarScript .= " window.setTimeout(\"barupdate();\", 499);\n";
$BarScript .= " }\n";
$BarScript .= " }\n";
$BarScript .= " }\n";
$BarScript .= "//-->\n";
$BarScript .= "</script>\n";
$BarScript .= "<script language=\"javascript\">";
$BarScript .= " pp2 = \"". $BuildTime ."\";\n"; // temps necessaire (a compter de maintenant et sans ajouter time() )
$BarScript .= " barupdate();\n";
$BarScript .= "</script>";
$Bar .= "<div id='barcontainer' style='border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 255); width: 364px;'><div id='prodBar' style='background-color: #dfd; width: ".round($barpercent * 3.64) ."px;'><font color='#000000'>[b]". $barpercent ."%[/b]</font></div></div>";
$ListIDRow .= " <tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td class=\"k\" height='18'>$Bar $BarScript</td>";
$ListIDRow .= " </tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " </table>";
$ListIDRow .= "</th>";
} else {
$ListIDRow .= "<th colspan=\"3\">";
$ListIDRow .= " <table width=\"100%\">";
$ListIDRow .= " <tr>";
if ($BuildMode == 'build')
$ListIDRow .= " <td class=\"l\"><font color =\"#6699FF\">". $ListID ." <a href='game.php?page=infos&gid=".$Element."'><font color =\"#6699FF\">.::. ". $ElementTitle ." .::.</font></a> Ampliar al <font color=\"#FF8C00\">[b]Nivel ". $BuildLevel ."[/b]</font></font></td>";
} else {
$ListIDRow .= " <td class=\"l\"><font color =\"#6699FF\">". $ListID ." <a href='game.php?page=infos&gid=".$Element."'><font color =\"#6699FF\">.::. ". $ElementTitle ." .::.</font></a> <font color=\"#87CEEB\"><blink>". $lang['bd_dismantle'] ."</blink></font> en <font color=\"#FF8C00\">[b]Nivel ". $BuildLevel ."[/b]</font></font></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td class=\"k\" width=\"56\"><center>". $levelmore . "</center></td>";
$ListIDRow .= " <td class=\"k\" width=\"56\">";
$ListIDRow .= " <font color=\"red\"><a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&listid=". $ListID ."&cmd=remove&planet=". $PlanetID ."\">".$lang['bd_cancel']."</a></font>";
$ListIDRow .= " </td>";
$ListIDRow .= " </tr>";
$ListIDRow .= " </table>";
$ListIDRow .= "</th>";
$ListIDRow .= "</tr>";
$ListIDRow .= "<tr><td class='c' colspan='3'><center>Общее время: ". pretty_time($totalBuildTime) ."
Время завершения всего: <strong color=\"lime\"><font color=\"lime\">". date("j/m H:i:s" ,$totalBuildEndTime ) ."</font>[/b]</center></td></tr>";
$RetValue['lenght'] = $ActualCount;
$RetValue['buildlist'] = $ListIDRow.'<tr></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr>';
return $RetValue;
в /styles/images/ Сохраняем

Что получается: