Сборка Java-сервера Lineage 2 от команды L2jServer хроники - Freya , ревизия 7669
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* Freya Elemental formula
* Soul Crystal handling moved from core to quest script and updated to Freya. Thx JIV!
* Support for "Rebel army" which removes fort after a week from clans.
* Support for Supply Box spawn in Castle contracted Fortresses.
* Seed of Infinity -> Hall of Suffering instance.
* Seed of Annihilation - Maguen Pets and Raid Boss support is missing.
* NPC elemental table support.
* Quest : Finding the Lost Soldiers
* Primeval Isle updated to EP. Tyranno's are not reworked and Walking NPC's are missing.
* New herb system for better customization. UPDATE your rate.properties!!!
* ReedField rework.
* Noble players can add subbclasses without quests.
* More precise Epilogue PvE penalties.
* Core part of NPC stats rework (with other dev's).
* Multiple subnets support, including some code from mrTJO.
* Extractable items and skills reload on the fly.
* New commands //debug and .debug.
* Removing of the level dependence from magic nukes.
* Multisell rework.
* PaganZone replaced by ScriptZone, two quests updated.
* Big formula rework, now almost all resistances/vulnerabilites use add instead of mul. Other formula tweaks.
* Support for default "no quest" html, updating of the all quests for it.
* Rework of the ZoneManager: support of the several xml files and vertices inside xml. Sample of the no-trade zones.
* Core support for "already completed" html.
* StealBuffs handler rework.
* Cancel and Banes handler rework with retail-like formula.
* Adaptation of the Item Broker (base code by Forsaiken, Didldak), several custom features added.
* All item-related fulctions can use Object as reference: logging of the receiver name/objid for post attachments.
* New EffectCancel support.
* Skill Checker, for all known ways of learning skills (autolearn, teachers, forgotten scrolls, skill transfer, subclass certification).
* Multiple fixes in auto-learned skills.
* Fix for stucking npc walkers.
* Olympiad-restricted items now un-equipped during port to arena.
* AURA-type skills fix for casting without targets.
* Smart cubic should not remove effects what can't be dispelled.
* Clan privileges needed for removing crests.
* Removing non-existent crests from clans because they cause packet floods.
* Cubics should use (probably) owner's mAtk.
* Support for casting Effect Signet in more regular way (core support for Day of Doom).
* Packet executor with some protection features. Several code tweaks for avoiding floods.
* Fix for setup gauge packet.
* Charinfo Fix.
* RequestDispel fix.
* Start Mob AI task on player click, just in case.
* Elementals update.
* Attribute remove packet structure.
* NpcSay update.
* Freya elementals system update.
* Fix for canceling player target while action on terrainnpc.
* Elementals sysmsg update.
* Party change loot distribution.
* Couple social action.
* NpcSay update for npcstring-e.dat.
* ExShowScreenMessage update.
* Inventory block mode. Thx Gnacik.
* SystemMessage parameter type 12 is for PC name.
* Relationchanged support for multiple chars in one packet.
* displayEffect is also needed for Sel Mahun Squad Leader (ZZZ animation).
* New Ai register method, if script handle many instances use selectable QuestEventType registration instead of registering all. + cleanup
* Fix for Cannot make social in attack mode.
* Augmentation packets update.
* Party Member position broadcast update. Idea from L2inc, L2dc.
* Steal effects in try-catch
* All master buffs are 1h
* SysMsg update, remove half kill on lethal.
* Support for class matser buy bypass.
* Core support for admin give all skills.
* Update packet for change displayEffect on NPC.
* Gm command for changing display effect on npc.
* Classmaster - learn skills.
* Any and all buffs applied to the summoner character will automatically be applied to their servitor pet.
* Multisell should work with lastFolkNpc.
* CharInfo fix.
* L2EffectZone update.
* Den of Evil update, ignore errors for now, need zone update.
* New method for testing to get closest zone to object.
* canBestolen moved to core.
* Apply skill effects to pet if can be at least first skill effect also stolen.
* Remove NPC clan from SiegeInfo.
* Remove GMHide.
* Fix for pet names, thx Hanwik
* AutoChat fix. Thx Hanwik.
* Quest items "split" in inventory (counting taken slots only).
* Fix for skill effects on finish cast.
* Disabling Compact idfactory, its just not safe.
* Removing sync on CharEffectList
* Skill sweeper-42 support for drain.
* SQL connection check for LS too.
* Core support for create item lvl 10.
* ClassMaster support clan increase lvl.
* Fix for stand up on arcana power.
* java-engine update.
* isOnline() rework \n added check on private buy for adena and online.
* Clan wh exploit fix.
* Check player skill lvls on change sub too.
* Raid BossPointsManager rework.
* Abnormal CONFUSED do not exist, or maybe do but mask is wrong..
* Abnormals update. (names guessed )
* Party exp cutoff method is default level, diff 20.
* Update for Config.setParameter(). Ability to use Config variables names as parameter name.
* Baium archangels.
* Fix for missing enchant hp bonus after item reload.
* Archangels are invul.
* Baium raid curse is back.
* Baium should attack angels too, actually animation is not nice.
* Baium shouldnt attack invisible.
* Frintezza new loc.
* Update for zonemanager - spliting zones by class.
* Fixing some airship packets.
* Rework removing canceled tasks by one.
* Fix for two logins at same time, again delayed logout on fight bug, hope last one.
* Retail rune control tower spawns.
* Rune castle teleport add.
* Aden CH teleport update.
* admin_setskill
* PledgeSkillList support for squad skills.
* Frintezza fix after lair move. still not playable since door not work.
* Final fixes for frint, should be fine now.
* Alliance check.
* Damage zone default playable affecting only.
* Allow gm buy over weight, over slots.
* Fix for itemskills, move to pawn if too far.
* Squad skill learn support, please test, errors possible.
* Squad skills fixes.
* Schuttgart towers locs.
* Apply clan skill on join.
* Logout Process Rework
* Bordeland fort teleport from L2jEurope.
* TARGET_CLAN_MEMBER for mobs, untested. if not faction, will use on himself.
* l2pc deleteme() rework - merge with store.
* ConditionPlayerInvSize will not count qitems.
* Summons will use Pet weapon vuln stat to calculate damage. \n commenting npc vulnerability, we use skills anyway.
* Support for mails outside peace zone.
* More BR packets.
* Support for Server Merge nickname change http://goo.gl/siws
* Fix for TW icons.
* Apply effect on pet from only buffer
* Updated Raid Basic info for Freya.
* Updated some Skills due Freya Changes
* Code format in serveral XML files.
* Updated some "Libs" in GameServer
* Updated "armor.sql" to Freya.
* Updated "etcitem.sql" to Freya.
* Updated "weapon.sql" to Freya.
* Updated "Infinity Weapons" now they are more powerful in Freya.
* Fixed "Spoil & Spoil Festival" (land rate when enchanted for pvp).
* Updated "Test Server Helpers" htms for Freya.
* Updated "Armor XML containers" + Stats.
* Updated "Test Server Helpers" multisells and code format.
* Added "Moirai/Vorpal/Elegia Armor Sets" (PVP Armor Sets included).
* Updated "crystal_type" in armor.sql.
* Updated "crystal_type" in etcitem.sql.
* Updated "crystal_type" in weapon.sql.
* Updated "consume_type" in etcitem.sql.
* Updated "npc.sql" to Freya.
* Updated "NPCs" that have different class type now, and they looks different, so... updating their radius & high.
* Updated more "collision_radius/height".
* Updated "npcaidata.sql" to Freya.
* Added "Missing spawns" for Test Server Helpers in Town of Schuttgart & Kamael Village.
* Added "Den of Evil Zones".
* Added "Skills" to Den of Evil Zones.
* Added Support for "Raise the clan's level" in Test Server Helpers.
* Added New Skills "Combat Aura & Patience".
* Added "Test Server Helpers Shops".
* Added "Bistakon's Skills" (guessed but working).
* Adeed "Cokrakon's Skills" (guessed but working).
* Added "Forgotten Scroll - Create Item Lv 10".
* Fixed "Tank Multi Buff" should replaces each other.
* Fixed radius in some DoE zones.
* Added support for "Counter Critical" (thanks to nik).
* Changed stackOrder for Tank Multi Buff skill.
* Added New Armors in //gmshop
* Fixed where in formulas AGGDEBUFF not AGGREDUCE_CHAR.
* Added New Jewels in //gmshop
* Fixed Enchants 1 & 2 for "Sweeper" skill.
* Fixed Divine Transformations buffs shouldn't disappear after untransform (thanks tan).
* Removed unused spawnlist
* Added Spawn points for Keucereus, Fantasy isle (thanks malyelfik).
* Added New Weapons in //gmshop
* Fixed weapon 16152, should be a dual dagger
* Updated some item names.
* Removing "nextActionAttack" from summon skills not needed anymore.
* Updated Retail Town Peace Zones.
* Updated siege servitor summon skills cast time has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds.
* Updated "Servitor Barrier" reuseDelay is 300 in Freya.
* Fixed Skill 5592.
* Added Custom clan for Archangels/Baium to make new AI works.
* Fix For "Patience" skill due to... http://goo.gl/cR8g
* Added "Betrayal Mark" (pre-implementation).
* Fixed "Steal Divinity" is not a debuff.
* Adeed Doors for "Ice Queen's Castle" & "Frintezza Battle".
* Removed old Frintezza Battle Doors.
* Updated Doors IDs in "Frintezza.java" due new "Frintezza Battle" Doors.
* Updated "castle_door.sql" to Freya (only names & positions for now).
* Updated "fort_staticobjects.sql" to Freya (only names & positions for now).
* Updated "door.csv" to Freya (only names & positions for now).
* Fixed "Lethal Blow" skill use SSBoost, verified with Tan in Rpg-Club.
* Fixes in cubic skills.
* Updated Different condition for HEAL_PERCENT skills on enemies.
* Fixed "enchant 3" in "Tribunal & Judgment" skills.
* Fixed database_installer.sh (thanks kotk).
* Fixed Common Dynasty Sets can open Cloak Slot (thanks Adry_85) & (Common Dynasty PVP Sets too).
* Fixed Enchant 3 in "Spoil & Spoil Festival" Skills (Retail Typo) Source: http://goo.gl/XPUX
* Fixed Fixed Enchant 3 in "Prominence, Hurricane & Hydro Blast" skills (thanks Adry_85).
* Fixed a Typo in "Servitor Heal" Lvl 2 (thanks Adry_85).
* Fixed "Caravaner's Remedy" can't be sold.
* Fixed Missing spawn for Linda (Source Freya PTS) (thanks malyelfik).
* Added Hellbound Desert Zone 2.
* Fixed Skill 1320 Lvl 1 should be learned when Character is Lvl 5 not Lvl 1.
* Fixed Improved Baby Pets should take 35% exp from owner not 10% (thanks Adry_85). Source:''' http://goo.gl/eEIn
* Fixed "Divine Inspiration" should be learner by "Second Classes", not by Basic Classes.
* Updated Wolf should take 27% exp and Evolved wolfs 35% (thanks Adry_85).
* Updated "90002004.xml" (thanks Adry_85).
* Fixed Missing "saveVs" in "Trance" Skill (thanks Adry_85) (added in others skills too where is missing).
* Updated "90001004.xml" (thanks Adry_85).
* Removed "Freya High Hive skills" from skill_trees, they are not used in Freya.
* Updated numeric types in several SQL tables tables.
* Fixed http://trac.l2jdp.com/ticket/3966 and in some other skills.
* Fixed item 14796.
* Final Form Skills Rework (NOTE: Soul Sucking skill needs retail check).
* Updated "311262517.xml" added Vorpal, Elegia and Vesper Noble set (thanks Adry_85). Sources: http://goo.gl/coGq 'n' http://goo.gl/fK5F
* Fixed a Typo fix in "Pa'agrio's Fist" skill EnchPower (thanks Adry_85).
* Fixed Elixir of Life incorrect values since http://trac.l2jdp.com/changeset/6119
* Fixed Betray skill missing magic level.
* Fixed Elemental Protection skill fire resistance should be 20, not 30 (thanks Adry_85).
* Updated some NG items that are not echantable (thanks Adry_85).
* Updated Cubics activationchance/time to retail, also changed land rate to 25 in skill 5682.
* Fixed clanhall_siege_guard table in not used yet, but better to have this imported.
* Added new NPCs due new client update.
* Fixing some SQL updates where column name is not renamed, ATER TABLE MODIFY should be used instead of ATER TABLE CHANGE.
* Cleanup old SQL updated that are not needed.
* Fixed stackOrder in berserk skills.
* Added some missing stackOrders.
* Increase chat delay to 60 like on retail for Preacher of Doom/Orator of Revelations
* Synch with freya teleport, add soulshot/spiritshot to shop
* More new skill containers
* 3 new transformations
* Update recipe to freya client
* Spawnlist for Priest of Blessing and his html
* Update html for Ishuma and multisell for craft dualsword
* During Olympiad Fisherman's Recovery Potion item skills' problems have been corrected. (other potion also bugged earlier, now allowed only Bottle of Souls)
* Update quest reward for all quests to freya pts
* Xml for new weapon
* Update enchant_skill_groups to freya
* Multisell rework (dp)
* Update Kirklan multisell on Keucereus Alliance Base
* Add npc, html teleporter Lionel on Keucereus Alliance Base
* Droplist for Supply Box
* Maximum CP has increased for the following classes: Sorcerer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler: 20% increase compared to the previous state. \n Bishop: 29% increase compared to the previous state. Elven Elder, Shillien Elder: 80% increase compared to the previous state. Overlord: 13% increase compared to the previous state.
* Update bodypart in armor
* Update bodypart in weapon.sql
* Update Spice in Beast Farm
* Add all new weapon to Maestro Ishuma - Apply Weapon SA
* Add all new weapon to Maestro Ishuma - Remove Weapon SA
* Add to Blacksmith of Mammon Apply/Remove Weapon SA for rare vesper weapon
* Add all new item to Reputation Manager: Apply/Remove PvP Enhancement
* Update crystal_count for armor and weapon, thanks for help Sonic
* Update weaponType in weapon
* Update price for weapon
* Update sellable/dropable/destroyable/tradeable/depositable for weapon
* Update sellable/dropable/destroyable/tradeable/depositable for armor
* Update change_weaponId for new weapon
* Teleport for GM
* Update price etcitem
* Update text for Golem Trader
* Update npc_elementals
* Update multisell Blacksmith Ishuma - Unseal Dynasty, Vesper, Moirai Accesories
* Update Blacksmith Ishuma - Upgrade Vesper Armor to Vesper Noble Armor
* Update multisell Blacksmith Ishuma - Unseal Dynasty, Moirai, Vesper Armor
* Real target land rate 100%
* Weapon SA for new weapon
* Kamaloka Labyrinth of the Abyss (level 83)
* Slash, Whiplash, Dicing Death in descriptions: Over-hit is possible.
* Curse of Abyss reuse 30 sec
* Price fix for Vorpal armor. Price,skill,crystal count for Freya Necklace
* Price for accessory
* Added to Ishuma support for Change the class of Dynasty High Grade Armor
* Skill Seed of Revenge, Spirit of Phoenix, Eva's Will, Pain of Shilen, Betrayal Mark in client is Magic
* Curse of Divinity after test increase dependOnTargetBuff to val="0.3"
* Update Silent Valley: add drop herb, update skill, update spawnlist
* Missing shop for Ralford, Carson, Judith, Renee
* Clear Plains of Lizardmen from Chest
* Fix Deadly Roullete no more kill with 1 hit add reuse for all sub skill (reuse the same as this skill have buff duration)
* Add mobs from SOA and MOS to script SeeThroughSilentMove
* Fully rework spawnlist in Talking_Island (this will fix bad spawns like when you enable geodata you see msg can't see target) all spawn sniffed from retail
* Rework spawnlist in Sea of Spores
* Rework spawnlist in Dwarf Village
* Rework spawnlist in Partisan Hideaway
* Cancel triggered with 100% chance in Touch of Death and Insane Crusher, also debuff replace each other
* Rework spawnlist in Dark Elf Village (and territory near DE)
* Floran fort teleport
* Rework spawnlist in Orc Village (and territory near Orc Village), add some missing spawns. Also some small clean up
* Rework spawnlist in Elven Village (and territory near Elven Village)
* Rework spawnlist in Breka's Stronghold/Gorgon Flower Garden
* Update spawn in Patriot necropolis, add new spawns and replace some wrong
* Droplist for new Beast Farm
* Fix table for skill Corpse Life Drain
* Missing enchant for Polearm Accuracy and War Frenzy
* Missing enchant for decoy
* Droplist for Seed of Annihilation
* Landing zone for Seed of Annihilation near Airship Controller
* DP support for Day of Doom skill
* NPC stats rework
* NPC skills rework
* Npc ShiftClick rework
* Ability to rename clan subPledges at class master
* LogItem rework and new config LogItemsSmallLog (details in .properties file)
* Quest: If you need open normal window from Quest (not Quest window with reward) just use .html not .htm file.
* Cubics: skill level calculation based on summon cubic skill enchant (if enchanted)
* Premium Items, main 'engine' for now.
* Easy Event Engine (sample scripts are inside scripts/mods/ folder)
* Locations implemented : Stakato Nest, Monastery of Silence, Plains of Lizardman, Archaic Laboratory, Den of Evil, Crypts of Disgrace
* Quests: Seven Sign Contract Of Mammon, Secret Mission, Watch What You Eat, Steps For Honor, To The Seed Of Annihilation, Poisoned Plains of the Lizardmen, Request of Ice Merchant, The Name Of Evil I, Cursed Life, Only What Remains, Expulsion of Evil Spirits, Bring Up With Love
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